About Us

About Karen Stultz: Your Guide to an Awesome Life with Regret Free Living

Hello, Beautiful!

Welcome to this transformative space, with me, Karen Stultz, your dedicated guide to unlocking the door to an Awesome Life.

Here’s where you embark on a journey towards midlife wellness, joy, and abundance, all wrapped in the nurturing embrace of the mind-body-spirit connection.

Contact Me

My Awakening: A Story of Change and Transformation

The seeds of Awesome Life Success were sown in a moment of profound realization. Watching my Mom, a beacon of positivity, face her final days shrouded in regret and anger. That stirred something deep within me, I realized that was where I was heading as well…and that was unacceptable! I knew there had to be a way to navigate midlife with grace, purpose, and joy.

In 2001, I took the leap and became a certified coach. Little did I know that this was just the beginning of a journey that would lead me to uncover the intricate dance between mind, body, and spirit. I realized that coaching alone wasn’t enough—unseen inner traumas and blocks were standing in the way of true, lasting success.


The Birth of Awesome Life Success

I have to admit, it was not easy, and I was ready to give up, and resign myself to feeling like a failure, be miserable, lonely, and unhappy. I told myself that I had to resign myself to living the rest of my life unhappy and trapped by circumstances.

In 2018, Spirit came in and metaphorically hit me over the head with a two by four! I was made aware, I was “Good Enough”, not only that, I was to live an Awesome Life! I had a purpose! That purpose was to enjoy: joy, abundance and freedom, in all areas of my life!


From People Pleasing to Inner Confidence

One of the pillars of my journey was shedding the layers of people-pleasing, and self-doubt…I knew in my heart that I could, I just didn’t have the resources I needed for support.

I recognized that true success and happiness could only shine when we cultivate personal responsibility with awareness, allow ourselves to be authentic, and build inner confidence. The mind, when in the flow of awareness and allowing, becomes a powerful force for creating a life free from stress and full of accomplishment. I became empowered, and can help you create a roadmap to your unique empowerment.


Living the Awesome Life in Maine

Today, I find myself living on 30 acres of rural Maine, celebrating over 50 years of marriage with my wonderful husband. Family is at the heart of my Awesome Life, with two children in Europe and four grandchildren bringing immeasurable joy from around the world.


Your Journey Starts Here

Are you ready to break free from the chains of stress and regret? I invite you to explore the transformative power of the mind-body-spirit connection. Let’s create success that’s uniquely yours, not someone else’s.

Connect with Me

Ready, Willing and Excited to embark on a journey towards your Awesome Life? Reach out, and let’s discover the keys to your lasting wellness, joy, and abundance.

Here’s to living your Awesome Life on your terms!
With lots of Warm Hugs
Karen Stultz

#KarenStultz #AwesomeLifeSuccess #MindBodySpiritConnection #WellnessJourney #Healing #Transformation